This condition also encompasses breasts that have different contours and may include differences in nipple size and nipple location. Different-sized breasts can cause fitting problems when buying a bra or a well-tailored evening dress. Many of these women resort to only wearing loosely fitted tops that they hope will mask their breast asymmetry. Others avoid social situations and sports activities that would require wearing a bathing suit or changing in front of other women in the locker room. No matter the degree or severity of difference, uneven breasts can cause significant embarrassment. Breast asymmetry surgery is often the only solution to this otherwise distressing situation.

Correction of Breast Asymmetry

For patients who have asymmetrical breasts and are exploring their treatment options, the first step is an in-depth consultation with Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Joshua Lampert. Through this consultation and a full agreement between doctor and patient, Dr. Lampert offers among the best breast asymmetry surgery Miami has available. During the consultation, Dr. Lampert will listen carefully to the patient’s concerns and image goals. After his examination, he will give his recommendations. His aim is to help his patients achieve their realistic image goals and restore self-esteem and happiness with their appearance. In some cases, medical insurance may cover some of the cost of surgery, particularly if there is an underlying medical condition creating the asymmetry, such as a tuberous breast deformity or Poland’s syndrome.

Dr. Lampert's Approach

Dr. Lampert practices a patient-centric approach, meaning he puts patient safety, happiness, and well-being as the highest priorities. Rather than rushing through appointments and surgeries to see a high volume of clients, Dr. Lampert takes his time, giving a select few his utmost attention and treating each individual with the same delicacy and meticulous precision as he would bestow upon his family members and loved ones. Dr. Lampert will never pressure patients with sales tactics.

Rather, he relies on education and information to empower patients so that they might make the right decisions for themselves. Dr. Lampert has a deep concern for patient safety, so much so that he created his own state-of-the-art Ambulatory Surgery Center, Miami Surgery, LLC, an immaculate facility that houses the most advanced, cutting-edge technology and equipment on the market today. Unlike almost every other plastic surgery operating room in South Florida, Miami Surgery, LLC is Federally Certified by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), the same agency that licenses all of the best hospitals in the state of Florida.

Miami Surgery, LLC is one of only three other AHCA-certified ASCs in Miami-Dade County dedicated to plastic surgery and operated by only Board Certified Plastic Surgeons (American Board of Plastic Surgery) and Board Certified Anesthesiologists. Patients and their families can remain confident that Dr. Lampert’s facility meets and exceeds the same operating standards as the Ambulatory Surgery Centers found in the most elite Miami hospitals.

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Creating Balance: Deciding on the Ideal Breast Size

Many patients in Miami who have uneven breasts wish to have the smaller breast increased to match the larger breast, but this may not give the best aesthetic result. The goal is to create balance and symmetry for each individual body type. Frequently, both breasts must be treated for the best outcome. In some cases, reducing the larger breast and adding some volume to the smaller breast will create the naturally beautiful result that is being sought. Other patients do better with breast implants of different sizes used for each breast to ultimately achieve similar shapes and volumes. Dr. Lampert believes that consistent, long-lasting results come from treating both breasts. This ensures consistency in breast tissue-to-implant ratios and keeps movement and other characteristics consistent. There are many combinations of solutions that can be used to create symmetry. Dr. Lampert will recommend the best option for each patient on an individual basis based on their image goals and particular situation. For example, women with large asymmetric breasts can have one breast reduced to a greater extent, with both breasts receiving a breast lift to ultimately acquire the best cosmetic result. In the case of small asymmetric breasts, both breasts could receive implants, one larger than the other. Another option is for fat transfer to the breast. The smaller breast is augmented using the patient’s own fat so that both breasts remain natural.

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Nipple and Breast Deformity Treatment

In some cases, nipple placement and size can be adjusted during treatment for breast asymmetry. Congenital issues, such as tuberous breast deformity and Poland’s syndrome, can be aesthetically corrected with surgery as well. Poland’s syndrome presents as the failure of one breast—or even the entire chest wall—to develop normally.

Tuberous breast deformity presents with breast tissue that is very restricted at the bottom (or lower pole) of the breast. This creates a very coned appearance or tuberous shape, often with the breast tissue herniating into the areola. Breast asymmetry is very commonly seen in patients with a tuberous breast deformity.

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Expectations After Breast Asymmetry Surgery

The degree of improvement varies with each person, but Dr. Lampert reports that his breast asymmetry patients are among some of his most elated patients. In the interest of delivering the best breast asymmetry surgery Miami has available, Dr. Lampert advises his patients that the recovery period is almost as important as the surgery itself. In some more severe cases, it may require more than one surgery to achieve the desired end result. This is usually the case if there is significant breast reconstruction needed, as with some congenital defects. Most patients can begin to enjoy the benefits of looking their best after a standard 6-week course of healing.

After surgery, Dr. Lampert’s patients wear a comfortable surgical bra to provide support and comfort. Most patients report no need for pain management medication after the first few days. Most swelling and bruising begin to diminish after a week. Most patients can return to light activity and desk jobs within the first week. Patients are advised to follow Dr. Lampert’s post-operative instructions carefully to avoid complications and to ensure proper healing of scars. Strenuous exercise must be avoided for 6-8 weeks. If the patient’s job is considered physical, more time should be arranged for the initial recovery period.

Getting Started

Dr. Lampert has helped thousands of patients regain their self-confidence by correcting conditions that are psychologically and physically distressing. Breast asymmetry can be corrected beginning with the initial consultation in his Miami office. Feel free to call or email Dr. Lampert with any questions you have regarding uneven breasts and their correction.

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*The content/images on this website are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results may vary. The information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for a formal consultation.

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