The amount and type of preparation depend on the specific surgery that you will be having. Dr. Lampert will provide explicit instructions on your particular requirements that must be followed exactly.

Two weeks before surgery

Have any required blood and urine tests done about 10 - 13 days before surgery. If you are older than 40, you may be required to have an EKG or Chest X-ray. If so, ensure that this is done within the time frame given.

2 weeks prior to your surgery, you will be advised to stop taking certain types of over-the-counter medications such as Advil, Aleve, Aspirin, Ibuprofen or Motrin. These are NSAID (Non-Steroid Anti Inflammatory) drugs and can increase bleeding with surgery. Patients can typically take over-the-counter Tylenol for mild pain. Tylenol does not affect the coagulation cascade and bleeding during surgery. Patients with liver disease or some other medical problems should not take Tylenol. If you require pain medication, clear it with Dr. Lampert who will advise you on a safe alternative prior to any surgery.

If you smoke tobacco or marijuana, you will have to stop smoking at least 4 weeks before surgery, and preferably longer. Any smoke, marijuana or tobacco, has carbon monoxide in it. Carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin and prevents normal oxygen saturation. Whether it is tobacco or marijuana, any recreational smoke inhalation essentially creates a low-grade carbon monoxide poisoning. Nicotine, smoke, and carbon monoxide interfere with blood circulation and the ability for the blood to effectively bind and transmit oxygen to healing tissues. As a reminder, you will be asked to refrain from beginning to smoke again for some time after surgery. Hopefully, you will have quit altogether! Patients who do not smoke usually do significantly better with their long-term results. Smoking can cause serious complications that can lead to skin cell death, wound healing complications, and bad scarring.

This prohibition not only refers to cigarettes, but to any nicotine-releasing product such as patches or gum. Of course, nicotine and smoke combined together is the worst! Cocaine use can cause vasoconstriction, septal perforations, wound healing complications and can cause serious complications during anesthesia that may result ultimately in death. If you currently use any recreational drugs, or have a history of drug use, you must absolutely let Dr. Lampert know prior to surgery.

If you are having liposuction, purchase the recommended compression garments and check how they fit well before surgery. This way, they can be exchanged prior for a better fit if necessary. Remember to bring these garments with you on the day of surgery. Fill any prescriptions given by Dr. Lampert prior to surgery and bring them with you. Arrange for a friend or a family member to drive you to and from surgery. You will not be allowed to leave in a taxi. You must have someone to stay with you for the first 24 hours following surgery.

Depending on the surgery, you will be advised to arrange for aftercare for a time period commensurate with the type of procedure. For example, if you are having a tummy tuck and have small children, you will be advised to have some help to care for them for at least 1-2 weeks after surgery. For many cosmetic procedures, driving can be painful for a while afterwards. It is advised that you take care of any household tasks before surgery, so that nothing interferes with your ability to rest and heal. Go grocery shopping, pay your bills, do your banking, and arrange for a dog walker if necessary. Give yourself time to rest without having to deal with daily concerns.

Ensure that you have the food that you will need for the first week after surgery. For example, if you are advised to have a liquid or soft diet, ensure that protein shakes, soft foods and plenty of liquids are available. Minimize stress so that you can focus on recuperation and healing. Many procedures make it difficult to go up and down the stairs for a while. If possible, set up or relocate your bed so that it does not require the use of stairs to go to the bathroom or prepare food. A recliner is useful for sleeping, especially when it is advised that you keep your head elevated. Have extra pillows nearby to provide support under your knees or behind your back. Prepare a comfortable place to recover.

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Day Before Surgery

Pack a day bag you will bring to the surgical center. Do not bring any valuables. It is best to have loose-fitting clothes with front openings and slip-on shoes. Remove any body jewelry such as studs or rings and leave them at home. Please do not wear makeup or perfume on the day of surgery.

Day of Surgery

Do not eat or drink anything after midnight. If you must take medication, take it with a small sip of water. If you are a diabetic, follow the instructions that you have been given by your primary care physician or endocrinologist regarding your medications or morning insulin dose.

If you have been prescribed pills for nausea, it is ok to take one of them the morning of surgery with a small sip of water.

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Following Surgery

Once you are cleared to leave from post-surgical recovery, you will need to have someone drive you home. For your safety, it is required that you are accompanied home by a caregiver, not just delivered home by a taxi. Your caregiver, friend, or family member will need to stay with you at least overnight.

You will be given complete instructions on the care of your surgical site and anything else that is pertinent to your procedure. You will be given information on what to expect over the next few days, and when to return to Dr. Lampert’s office for your first post-operative visit.

Your safety and comfort are dependent on following all of Dr. Lampert’s instructions carefully. If you have any concerns that may arise before your first visit, don’t hesitate to call.

Dr. Lampert makes himself always available to his patients.

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*The content/images on this website are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results may vary. The information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for a formal consultation.

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