Ethnic rhinoplasty requires a greater depth of experience and knowledge due to the differences in internal structure between Asian, Middle Eastern, or African American noses. His patients want to attain balance and symmetry without eliminating their ethnic heritage and identity. By refining the nose while preserving his patients' ethnicity, Dr. Lampert performs among the best ethnic rhinoplasty Miami has to offer.

Dr. Lampert’s Approach

Dr. Lampert understands the importance of personalizing every procedure he performs, as no one wants to be treated like just a number. Rather than rushing through appointments in order to see a high volume of clients, Dr. Lampert takes his time with each individual, handling their needs with the same care and delicacy as would offer to any loved one or family member. He values education and information, tools that empower patients to make the best decisions for their ultimate well-being.

Safety is another one of Dr. Lampert’s chief concerns. To this end, he created his own state-of-the-art Ambulatory Surgery Center: Miami Surgery, LLC. This cutting-edge facility is Federally Certified by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), the same agency that licenses all of Florida’s best hospitals. 

Miami Surgery, LLC is one of only three other AHCA-certified ASCs in Miami-Dade County dedicated to plastic surgery and operated by only Board Certified Plastic Surgeons (American Board of Plastic Surgery) and Board Certified Anesthesiologists.

Under Dr. Lampert’s watchful and protective eye, patients can remain confident that their procedure is being performed in a facility that exceeds the same operating standards as the Ambulatory Surgery Centers found in world-class hospitals.

Before & Afters

All plastic surgeons should be judged on the aesthetic merits of their work. Review Dr. Lampert’s before and after gallery to see what he has accomplished.

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Nose surgery patient in Miami, FL

Rhinoplasty Procedure Overview

What to Consider Before Cosmetic Procedures

Rhinoplasty Designed to Refine and Define

Rhinoplasty is performed to change the outward appearance of the nose by making internal changes to the bone and cartilage of the underlying nasal structure. While technical knowledge is clearly mandatory, artistic skill plays an integral part. Dr. Lampert has a deep understanding of ethnic differences, allowing him to create unique surgical plans that encompass each patient's unique characteristics.

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Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty

The Middle Eastern nose often tends to be longer and more prominent with a tip that dips down toward the upper lip. There may be a pronounced hump on the bridge, while internally, the structural support may be deficient.

Hispanic And African-American Rhinoplasty

Hispanic and African-American noses frequently have more rounded tips with less protrusion. Additionally, the nostrils may be wide and large. Dr. Lampert softens and balances features that are too prominent, bringing them into balance with the patient’s other facial features.

Exquisite Artistry Embodied

Dr. Lampert underwent thousands of hours of experience with ethnically diverse patients during his extensive plastic surgery training in New York City. He has since logged countless more at his private practice in Miami, allowing him to deliver among the best ethnic rhinoplasty Miami offers. Every nose and every patient is unique. That’s what makes rhinoplasty so fun.

All rhinoplasty surgery is aimed at bringing balance and harmony to the face by either decreasing or increasing some aspect of the nose. Ethnic rhinoplasty requires an added level of skill and artistic sense to ensure that the final result brings the nose into balance with the rest of the face while preserving the unique characteristics that define ethnic diversity and identity.

Additionally, correcting nasal airflow and function is also checked. Many patients aren’t aware of a deviated septum, internal nasal collapse, or airway obstruction unless it is significantly hindering breathing or causing sleep disorders. Correcting these defects is usually a matter of opening the airflow passages or removing an obstruction. These maneuvers often help with the outer visual appearance of the nose.

Planning Your Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Patients with ethnic features should look for a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in ethnic rhinoplasty. Structural differences need to be fully understood. There are important nuances that will come into play when surgery is in progress. Miami is an active plastic surgery hub, but not all surgeons offering this service have received extensive training in plastic surgery, particularly rhinoplasty. Dr. Lampert is a leading rhinoplasty surgeon in Miami and has extensive training in ethnic differences from his many years of surgical residency at The Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City.

If you are interested in ethnic rhinoplasty, your next step is a private consultation with Dr. Lampert. During your time with him, feel free to share your concerns and your image goals. He prides himself on taking ample time to fully understand each patient’s goals. He will subsequently recommend a surgical plan that will achieve that goal without losing the unique identity of his patients' ethnic heritage.

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