Craniofacial is a medical term that refers to the face, facial skeleton, and skull. A craniofacial surgeon is a plastic surgeon who has completed at least 5-8 years of standard plastic surgery training and then has continued with additional training dealing specifically with cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the face, facial skeleton, and skull. Craniofacial surgeons perform surgery on the face and skull for both reconstructive and cosmetic reasons. These defects affect the appearance of the head or the face and can also affect functionality, as in the case of a cleft lip or palate. Dr. Joshua Lampert, a board-certified plastic surgeon practicing in Miami, has treated patients of all ages with facial defects. Many of his pediatric patients have ear defects, nasal deformities, or unsightly birthmarks. He has also treated numerous adult patients who have suffered various forms of trauma to the facial skeleton. Dr. Lampert prefers to use well-hidden incisions and short scar techniques whenever possible for his surgical approach to the facial skeleton.

Dr. Lampert’s Approach

Dr. Lampert is a meticulously detailed and precision-minded plastic surgeon who goes the extra mile for his patients, treating them with the same delicacy and care as he would any family member or loved one. He spends a great deal of time during the consultation process to listen and understand your goals so that he can provide a result that exceeds your expectations. He will never suggest a procedure unless he thoroughly believes it is in your best interest. Integrity, transparency, and compassion are the guiding principles of Dr. Lampert’s Miami practice. Rather than getting patients in and out of the door quickly, Dr. Lampert prefers to give each individual personalized attention and the time they need to feel confident and secure in their treatment plan. Thanks to this patient-centric approach, Dr. Lampert has grown a reputation for aesthetic excellence in and beyond the Miami area.

Dr. Joshua Lampert Nasal Reconstruction Featured on Channel 10 News

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Common Types of Craniofacial Conditions Requiring Surgery

Facial Fractures

Trauma resulting in fractures of the facial skeleton, nasal bones, eye socket, upper or lower jaws, forehead, or skull.

Soft Tissue Defects of the Face After Trauma

From dog bites, car accidents, or other accidents.

Cleft Lip & Palate

Separation that occurs in the palate or the lip caused by incomplete fusion of facial bones during development.

Ear Deformity in Newborns

From shape abnormalities to microtia or congenital absence of the majority of the ear itself.


Premature closure of the sutures (soft spots) in the skull preventing normal skull expansion.


Undersized jaw, which may interfere with feeding and breathing.

Vascular Malformation

Birthmarks or growths composed of blood vessels, which can cause functional or aesthetic problems.


Nerve tissue tumors that can be found solitary or as part of a genetic condition known as Von Recklinghausen disease.

Hemifacial Microsomia

Underdevelopment of the tissues on one side of the face affecting the ear, mouth, and jaw.


Abnormal growth of blood vessels in the skin present at birth known as a port-wine stain or salmon patch.


Flattened area of the skull caused by constant pressure to the area.

Parry-Romberg Syndrome

Wasting of soft tissue on one side of the face resulting in severe progressive asymmetry.

Bell’s Palsy or Hemifacial paresis

Loss of nerve innervation and paralysis to one side of the face resulting in palsy and facial asymmetry.

Nasal Reconstruction After Dog Bite and Partial Nasal Amputation

Correcting Facial Abnormalities

Each patient with a craniofacial anomaly presents with a different set of challenges. In many cases, coordination with a number of medical specialties is required to ensure that the patient has the best possible outcome. In the case of infants with a cleft lip or cleft palate, the surgeon will coordinate with speech therapists, occupational therapists, and the parents over the course of treatment. For patients with multiple traumas or very severe fractures of the facial skeleton, ophthalmologists, neurosurgeons, and trauma surgeons may also need to be involved with the patient’s care as part of the team.

Contact the office today for a consultation. Dr. Lampert limits his practice volume so that he has ample time to spend with each patient. Improving function, appearance, and quality of life is Dr. Lampert’s goal. 

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