Black-haired woman sitting on the ground posing in tan undergarments
Scar Revision

Scar Revision

While scar formation is the body’s healthy and natural way of healing a wound, scars themselves can have a negative impact on one’s appearance, causing self-consciousness. In some cases, scars can even inhibit movement and lower quality of life. 

Woman with brown curly hair standing outside


Craniofacial is a medical term that refers to the face, facial skeleton, and skull.  A Craniofacial surgeon is a plastic surgeon who has completed at least 5-8 years of standard plastic surgery training and then has continued with additional training dealing specifically with cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the face, facial skeleton, and skull.

Older african american man doing yoga


Umbilical hernias are a common problem. They are often characterized by a frustrating “bulge” in the abdomen. An umbilical hernia can be treated with surgery by Dr. Joshua Lampert to smooth and contour the stomach area and protect against complications.

A mother and daughter sitting outside on a porch


Children require specialized treatment when plastic surgery is needed. They are growing very quickly, they cannot express themselves well and they are not patient when being examined or treated.

Middle-aged man and woman walking along the beach
Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer

Hundreds of thousands of people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year in the United States. While this is an alarming number, the vast majority of those diagnosed are easily treated. Skin cancer surgery is focused on removing all of the cancer while sparing as much healthy tissue as possible.  This should be followed by a careful and cosmetic wound closure.

Woman with blue eyes and pink nail polish


Reconstructive plastic surgery is focused on restoring function and appearance where accident, genetics or illness has intervened. Whatever the cause, the goal is to restore the patient to normal function and appearance or to get as close to that goal as possible.

Woman posing in jean jacket without a bra


Breast restoration after cancer surgery is a vital part of the rehabilitation process. Women identify strongly with their breasts as a part of their sense of femininity.  For some patients, the loss of a breast can have more of a psychological impact than the actual cancer itself. Breast reconstruction surgery is not approached in the same way as cosmetic breast surgery...

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