This innovative surgical technique helps to lift drooping midface contours and tighten the underlying facial muscles while still maintaining a natural outcome that defies detection. Because the deep plane facelift is such a demanding, intricate, and complex procedure, it requires the touch of a highly trained, experienced plastic surgeon who has an eye for nuanced artistry. Dr. Lampert is a board-certified plastic surgeon who delivers exceptional facelift results for patients in and around the Miami area, rewinding the clock on the aging process while improving overall self-confidence and quality of life.

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What is a deep plane facelift?

The SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) is located beneath the surface of the skin. Most traditional approaches to the facelift tighten this layer as a way of achieving a more youthful look. The deep plane facelift, however, goes a step further to reshape the tissues that lie beneath the SMAS muscles. It thus accomplishes much more profound and lasting changes.

Dr. Lampert has mastered this cutting-edge technique and is excited to provide his Miami area clients with a world-class transformation that will greatly improve their self-image.

How is a deep-plane facelift performed?

The incisions for a deep plane facelift are made in a similar location as with a conventional SMAS facelift: within the folds of the ears extending into the scalp. Dr. Lampert works deep within the facial tissue layers, repositioning the muscle and skin as a single unit to achieve a natural, well-defined outcome that is personalized to your unique facial structure.

Who is a good candidate for a deep plane facelift?

A deep plane facelift can be performed for older patients or for those who are just beginning to see the signs of aging appear and wish to take preemptive action. The procedure can address jowling and loss of definition in the jawline, a loss of volume in the midface and cheeks, and loose, drooping skin as well as lines and wrinkles. Dr. Lampert will ask that patients considering surgery of any kind are non-smokers of sound mind and body who have realistic expectations and are willing to follow the doctor’s directions before and after their treatment. 

What are the advantages of a deep-plane facelift?

  • Takes a holistic approach, revising the entire facial structure as a whole rather than as parts
  • Tightens the underlying muscles and tissues rather than merely pulling the skin taut
  • Is effective for all ages
  • Results in a natural, youthful appearance
  • Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem
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Who is a good candidate for a deep plane facelift?

A deep plane facelift can be performed for older patients or for those who are just beginning to see the signs of aging appear and wish to take preemptive action. The procedure can address jowling and loss of definition in the jawline, a loss of volume in the midface and cheeks, and loose, drooping skin as well as lines and wrinkles. 

Dr. Lampert will ask that patients considering surgery of any kind are non-smokers of sound mind and body who have realistic expectations and are willing to follow the doctor’s directions before and after their treatment. 

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What can I expect from my recovery after a deep plane facelift?

As with most surgeries, there may be swelling, bruising, and tenderness to contend with after a deep plane facelift. These symptoms can be well-managed with prescription painkillers and bed rest. Because the areas treated with this particular procedure are further from the surface of the skin, there may be fewer visible signs of the surgery to deal with.

Patients can expect to resume work and other normal activities within a week or so, and they will be able to use makeup to hide any discoloration at the incision sites. Exercise and strenuous activities can be resumed within 4-6 weeks or when approved by Dr. Lampert.

Why choose Dr. Lampert?

Dr. Lampert is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), the only board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties, the organization that certifies the full spectrum of plastic surgery procedures. In addition to passing complex written and oral examinations, surgeons credentialed in this way must complete 6-8 years of training after medical school, with another 3 years spent in a plastic surgery residency. Choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Lampert ensures your utmost safety during all phases of your treatment and a result that is elegant and natural. 

Dr. Lampert completed a demanding 6-year Plastic Surgery residency in Manhattan at the world-renowned Mount Sinai Hospital, where he served as the solo Chief Resident in Plastic Surgery. He then pursued an ACGME-accredited Fellowship in Craniofacial Surgery, training under the guidance of the past president of the Rhinoplasty Society.

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