Miami rhinoplasty surgeon Dr. Joshua Lampert sees women of all ages who are unhappy with the size or shape of their noses and who have decided to do something about it. The reason Dr. Lampert sees so many women is that he is quickly becoming known as one of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in the Miami area. He takes great pride in correcting both the form and function of the nose. Because he is a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Lampert has the experience needed to produce stunning and aesthetically pleasing results. Rhinoplasty is acknowledged to be among the most difficult and challenging of all plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Lampert advises any woman considering rhinoplasty to consult only a surgeon who is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This ensures that their procedure will be performed by someone with at least 6 years of exclusive training in surgery and plastic surgery.

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Benefits of Female Rhinoplasty

There is no hiding a nose that does not match the face. Any nose can be brought into better proportion. It is often the case that a very small change can have a profound improvement on appearance. For women seeking rhinoplasty in Miami, Dr. Lampert has vast experience delivering among the best female rhinoplasty Miami has to offer.
Some of the issues that can be corrected through rhinoplasty surgery are:

  • Reducing the overall length or width of the bridge
  • Removing the hump or decreasing the size
  • Refining the tip to remove excess cartilage or to remove a hook
  • Bringing the nose into vertical alignment
  • Correcting a deviated septum or collapsed nostrils
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Dr. Lampert prefers to do a small volume of plastic surgery procedures on a daily basis, allowing him to focus on quality over quantity. Dr. Lampert makes himself available to his patients at all times during the process.

Before & Afters

All plastic surgeons should be judged on the aesthetic merits of their work. Review Dr. Lampert’s before and after gallery to see what he has accomplished.

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Nose surgery patient in Miami, FL

Rhinoplasty Procedure Overview

Open Rhinoplasty: Watch Entire Surgery Time Lapse!

Best Rhinoplasty for Miami Residents – Improves Function and Appearance

Dr. Lampert does reconstruction rhinoplasty on patients who have been injured, broken their noses, had cancer, or suffer from congenital defects. Many patients who elect to have cosmetic surgery also have internal difficulties with sinuses, a deviated septum, or problems with breathing. Restoring function is as much a priority as enhancing outward appearance. Improved breathing provides a definite improvement in quality of life. Some defects that are routinely treated by Dr. Lampert include:

  • Deviated septum – causing reduced nasal airflow
  • Broken nose
  • Enlarged nasal turbinates and polyps that restrict airflow
  • Nasal congestion and dry throat
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Recovering from Female Rhinoplasty

Most patients are pleasantly surprised that their surgery and recovery is far easier than anticipated. Safety is Dr. Lampert’s prime concern. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Lampert performs surgery ONLY in an accredited surgical center or hospital, which is an added layer of safety for patients. Female rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort and safety.

Incisions are made mostly inside the nose, and all efforts are made to avoid scarring. Following surgery, the nose is splinted, taped, or possibly given a cast in order to keep the structure very stable during the early stages of healing.

Pain is easily controlled with prescribed medication. There will be bruising and swelling for the first 7 to 14 days.

Dr. Lampert will provide full instructions on post-operative care of the surgical site, bathing instructions, and when normal activities can be resumed. Most patients can return to work after two weeks. People with physically demanding jobs may need to arrange for extra time to heal. Strenuous exercise and exertion should be avoided for at least six weeks.

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After the initial swelling diminishes, the results will be seen and enjoyed as time passes and the body adjusts to the changes within. It can take up to a year for scarring to mature and for the full results of rhinoplasty to be seen. Long before that time, you will be enjoying renewed self-confidence and the compliments of your friends and family. 

Casual acquaintances will notice you look great but won’t know why – unless you choose to tell them. Call for a consultation about one of the best female rhinoplasty surgeons Miami has available. Dr. Lampert sees only a limited number of patient consultations per day in order to ensure that he can provide the best one-on-one attention that each patient deserves and needs.

Why Choose Dr. Lampert?

Patient care and safety are Dr. Lampert’s chief objectives when it comes to performing rhinoplasty, which is among the most complex procedures available. Rather than seeing a high volume of clients and rushing through the consultation and surgery, he takes his time, treating each individual with the same respect, delicacy, and meticulous precision as he would any family member or loved one. Dr. Lampert’s insistence on personalized attention, his background as a fine art sculptor, and his passion for exceeding patient expectations make him stand out as among the most trusted plastic surgeons in and around the Miami area.

Dr. Lampert’s devotion to patient safety is evident in his state-of-the-art Ambulatory Surgery Center, Miami Surgery, LLC, an immaculate facility that is home to among the most advanced, cutting-edge technology and equipment on the market today. Unlike almost every other plastic surgery operating room in South Florida, Miami Surgery, LLC is Federally Certified by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), the same agency that licenses all of Florida’s best hospitals.

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Miami Surgery, LLC is one of only three other AHCA-certified ASCs in Miami-Dade County dedicated to plastic surgery and operated by only Board Certified Plastic Surgeons (American Board of Plastic Surgery) and Board Certified Anesthesiologists. There are only two such ASCs in Broward County, making Miami Surgery, LLC one of only five other Plastic Surgery Ambulatory Surgery Centers to meet this criteria within the two largest counties in Florida. Patients and their families can remain confident that Dr. Lampert’s facility meets and exceeds the same operating standards as the Ambulatory Surgery Centers found in world-class hospitals.

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*The content/images on this website are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results may vary. The information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for a formal consultation.

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