Restoring your figure and your peace of mind

While some patients can achieve weight loss through dieting and exercise, there are those who choose to undergo bariatric surgery, a modern and effective method of removing excess pounds. Patients who have had gastric band, LAP band, or gastric bypass surgery can achieve dramatic body contouring results. However, they are often left with sagging skin that distorts their new figure. This is where Dr. Lampert’s strategic post-weight-loss procedures come in. He can perform a wide array of treatments to rid the body of drooping skin, allowing patients to enhance the success of their weight loss efforts.

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What is massive weight loss?

Massive weight loss (MWL) is defined by physicians as losing 50% or more of the patient’s excess weight. When so much weight is lost quickly, the skin may not be able to snap back to the new shape. Patients may experience pockets of residual fat, hanging skin, and stretch marks. In fact, around 70% of patients who undergo bariatric surgery deal with excess sagging skin after their procedure.

What happens to the skin after massive weight loss?

The skin is the largest organ in the body, helping to regulate temperature, take in sensory information, and protect the body. Despite its incredible properties, however, the skin has certain limitations. Once it stretches out to accommodate a larger body, it can lose its elasticity. There is little a patient can do to solve the excess skin problem. Dieting and exercise will not be able to reduce the redundant folds of hanging skin. Luckily, patients can address this issue through plastic surgery. Dr. Lampert performs a range of transformative procedures to help you achieve your ideal look after massive weight loss, restoring your confidence and quality of life.

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What are the benefits of post-weight-loss surgery?

Excess skin removal surgery has many physical, hygienic, and emotional benefits, including:

  • Combats bulges, contour irregularities, and asymmetry
  • Rids the body of excess drooping skin
  • Creates a more toned, youthful physique
  • Eradicates irritation from chafing
  • Enhances self-confidence
  • Long-lasting, transformative results
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Determining your candidacy for post-weight-loss surgery

Dr. Lampert will meet with each patient privately to determine if they are a good candidate for surgery. He will conduct a thorough physical evaluation and review of your medical history. Ideal candidates have been able to maintain a stable weight and are in good overall health, with no untreated medical concerns. Post-weight-loss surgery may be contraindicated for patients with autoimmune disorders, bleeding disorders, or other serious health issues or for those who smoke.

Types of post-weight-loss surgery

Body lift

A body lift removes excess skin, fat, and tissue from around the circumference of the lower body, addressing the stomach, flanks, and back simultaneously. In some cases, the thighs and buttocks may also benefit from the procedure.

Buttock lift

This procedure helps to trim loose sagging skin and pockets of fat in the buttocks, reshaping the backside for a firmer, tighter silhouette. A buttock lift is often paired with liposuction, abdominoplasty, or a thigh lift.


A panniculectomy addresses the hanging apron-like skin that obscures the groin, improving comfort, hygiene, and mobility. Dr. Lampert finds panniculectomy to be among the most satisfying procedures for bariatric patients.

Thigh lift

Sagging, loose skin in the thighs can cause uncomfortable chafing and even infections. Thigh lift surgery eliminates these issues and restores a slim, sculpted appearance in the upper legs.

Arm lift

An arm lift removes “bat wings” and corrects drooping skin that compromises the upper arm profile. The surgery allows patients to once again enjoy wearing sleeveless tops, dresses, and swimwear.

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Why choose Lampert MD Plastic Surgery in Miami?

Dr. Joshua A. Lampert, MD, is a renowned plastic and reconstructive surgeon whose artistry, passion for detail, and superior skill set lead to outstanding aesthetic results. With a unique background in fine art, including as a sculptor, Dr. Lampert stands out for his innate understanding of form, line, balance, and proportion. He is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), ensuring the utmost safety of your procedure.

Dr. Lampert completed a 6-year Plastic Surgery residency at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City before pursuing an ACGME-accredited Fellowship in Craniofacial Surgery. He currently serves as a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery with the Division of Plastic Surgery at FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. 

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