A 360-Degree Circumferential Lift Reveals the Results of Your Weight Loss Efforts
Body Contouring Requires Outstanding Surgical Skill & An Artistic Sense
A lower body lift, which is a combination of surgical procedures, can greatly improve the appearance of the abdomen, pubis, posterior buttock, hips, and thighs while also correcting sagging and dimpled skin. For patients who have significant amounts of sagging skin, it is life-changing to rid themselves of hanging skin folds, associated skin rashes, and discomfort.
Generally, this procedure removes excess fat and redundant skin. The lower body lift also tightens underlying muscle and soft tissue of the abdomen, pubic region, thighs, and buttocks.
Each patient presents with a different array of challenges that must be met through a unique surgical plan.
Dr. Lampert has given award-winning presentations and has published in peer-reviewed literature on this technique. He cautions anyone considering this procedure to consult only a board-certified plastic surgeon who has the necessary experience and skill to coordinate and aesthetically execute this technically challenging procedure.