From Dr. Lampert:
Revision Rhinoplasty with a Rib Graft Nasal Reconstruction After a History of Traumatic Nasal Fracture
38 Year Old Female
1 Year Post Op
This young lady had a history of traumatic nasal fracture and a deviated septum. She underwent an unsatisfactory open septo-rhinoplasty with another plastic surgeon. Her initial surgery left her with persistent nasal vault deviation, nasal airway obstruction, and a thick, wide, overly elevated nasal tip that lacked projection. She had a nice nose before her trauma, and wanted to look more like herself again. Here she is one year after I performed a revision rhinoplasty and septal Reconstruction using rib cartilage grafting. Her septal cartilage had been harvested before from prior septoplasty, and rib cartilage was needed. (The rib is harvested from under the breast fold in women and usually very hard to see.) Better tip projection and refinement with a more natural naso-labial angle can be appreciated from the postoperative profile view. Significant improvement of her nasal deviation was obtained. This is at 1 year post op. In general, open nasal procedures are more precise, but take a significant time for swelling to subside. Some swelling continues to improve even after one year.
X* Individual results may vary.